1. Download Your Uninstaller!

        Your Uninstaller! is the world's most popular uninstaller utility to manage all programs installed on your computer. Now supporting Windows 7 (both 32 and 64bit) and featuring a straightforward clean interface. Your Uninstaller! works the way you think, making it easier than ever to uninstall programs quickly, efficient and completely. With advanced system scanning algorithm, Your Uninstaller! can easily remove any program installed on your computer - completely, no trace left.

        Your Uninstaller! also manages application installed on your PC, you can lock applications from accident removal, change default icon, write comments, save registration keys and always know newly installed programs.

        Your Uninstaller! makes uninstall never this easy: right click on an icon on the desktop and select uninstall, it will be removed, no more actions. Try all the capabilities of Your Uninstaller!.

        Download Your Uninstaller! now!


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        System Requirements:
        Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7

        Version: Language: File Size:
        7.4 English/French/German/Italian... (25 languages) 8 MB

        Attention Registered Users:

        Your Uninstaller 7 is a free upgrade for customers with Lifetime Upgrade Service.
        Don't have Lifetime Upgrade Service? No worries. Existing customers save big when upgrading to Your Uninstaller 7! Upgrade from any previous version of Your Uninstaller and save 50% off the regular list price. Visit the Upgrade Page for details.

        Thank you for supporting Your Uninstaller!

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